Hoarding can be very dangerous and causes both health and property damage. Which is why we always aim to provide only the best hoarding cleanup Savannah, Georgia services.
Most times, the hoarder is not aware that their conduct is problematic and usually ends up suffering because of it. Hoarders tend to become socially isolated and generally require help to overcome this condition. When the time comes to take the first steps, the best thing to do is contact a hoarding cleanup company with a compassionate and friendly staff and with technicians that genuinely want to help.
The following are some of the 5 Danger Signs that indicate hoarding:
1. Clutter is Blocking Doors or Windows
Blocked windows and doors are a fire hazard. Such blockage can disallow anyone from reaching the exit or entrance points, making it harder to escape a fire.
2. Pathways Are Cluttered and Blocked
If the pathways around the house are so cluttered that they are effectively blocked, you may be facing a hoarding issue. Any first responder would have a very difficult time reaching the person in case of an emergency.
3. Mounts of Clutter are Unstable
When the hoarding reaches certain levels, mounts of clutter can become a real danger. All it takes is a stack of clutter to become unstable and fall on the occupant to have an emergency on your hands and first responders would be unable to reach the victim. For this reason, if you recognize clutter being an issue on the property, don’t hesitate at all in contacting a qualified hoarding cleanup Savannah, GA specialist.
4. Structural Integrity Beginning to Fail
Sometimes hoarding can get to the point where the sheer weight of the possessions can be enough to cause structural integrity problems to the hoarder’s home. An overburdened structure is very problematic because shifting that weight around during cleanup can lead to disaster unless carefully and professionally done.
5. Rodents, Feces, and Garbage
When you can see garbage of any type, feces from either rodents or insects, you have a clear sign of danger. Living in a space like that can lead to many health complications ranging from respiratory problems to cardiac issues that could prove fatal.
These are just some of the danger signs that hoarding cleanup companies like Bio-One of Savannah face regularly. Any of these problems can become critical, resulting in calamity. If you or someone you care about is showing any of these signs in their apartment or home, it is time to call a hoarding cleanup Savannah, GA company and get the problem under control.
Bio-One of Savannah Can Help Your Hoarding Situation
Bio-One of Savannah is the premier crime scene and biohazard cleaners devoted to helping law enforcement, public service agencies, and property owners/managers in restoring contaminated property. We take great care to use the most advanced protection to avoid any health hazard.
To clean up any hoarding situation, call us any day of the week, day or night, at 912-755-1211. Visit our website, www.bioone-savannah.com/, to learn more.